What role does the parliament play in the functioning of government
Parliaments worldwide perform three core functions: to represent citizens interests, to pass laws and to monitor the actions of the government. They perform a legislative function because, in addition to introducing legislation on their own, they have the power to amend, approve or reject government draft laws. This function is strongly linked to the representation function in that it is through the will of the people that the parliament receives its authority in democratic countries.
The exact means by which a parliament is engaged in the lawmaking process varies depending on the type of parliamentary system. In Westminister systems (i.e. - those that derive from the British system), the executive branch of government develops most draft laws and the main role of parliament is to review, amend and pass laws. Individual MPs can introduce draft laws (known as Private Members Bills) but few of these draft laws reach the committee stage and even fewer are ever passed.
In presidential systems, individual MPs have a greater opportunity to produce draft laws before they are reviewed, amended and passed. Some hybrid systems have developed other methods of developing draft laws, including providing authority to parliamentary committees to develop and introduce draft laws and, in rare cases, some parliaments allow citizen initiatives to introduce draft laws for debate.
Select the national gov.
Making of laws
Guiding and helping in functioning of gov.