Geography, asked by kachhiyabhargavi4, 8 months ago

What's a different between pendemic and epidemic??​


Answered by sumansharma9402


Not all infectious disease terms are created equal, though often they’re mistakenly used interchangeably. The distinction between the words “pandemic,” “epidemic,” and “endemic” is regularly blurred, even by medical experts. This is because the definition of each term is fluid and changes as diseases become more or less prevalent over time.

While conversational use of these words might not require precise definitions, knowing the difference is important to help you better understand public health news and appropriate public health responses.

Let’s start with basic definitions:

AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.

A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.

ENDEMIC is something that belongs to a particular people or country.

AN OUTBREAK is a greater-than-anticipated increase in the number of endemic cases. It can also be a single case in a new area. If it’s not quickly controlled, an outbreak can become an epidemic.

Epidemic vs. Pandemic

A simple way to know the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic is to remember the “P” in pandemic, which means a pandemic has a passport. A pandemic is an epidemic that travels.

Epidemic vs. Endemic

But what’s the difference between epidemic and endemic? An epidemic is actively spreading; new cases of the disease substantially exceed what is expected. More broadly, it’s used to describe any problem that’s out of control, such as “the opioid epidemic.” An epidemic is often localized to a region, but the number of those infected in that region is significantly higher than normal. For example, when COVID-19 was limited to Wuhan, China, it was an epidemic. The geographical spread turned it into a pandemic.

Endemics, on the other hand, are a constant presence in a specific location. Malaria is endemic to parts of Africa. Ice is endemic to Antarctica.

Answered by Ujualb



Epidemic means a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease within a community or region .

Pandemic means an epidemic occurring worldwide (occurrence of an infectious disease all over the world) .

Ex: Covid-19

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