What's happening in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan is in danger god protect them please
Afghanistan is again under the control of the Taliban, a fundamentalist group that ruled the nation for five years before U.S.-led forces ousted them in 2001. Refugees fleeing the group’s ultraconservative brand of Islam have swelled the population of Kabul, the airport has been besieged by Afghans desperate to find a way out, and worries are spreading that the Taliban’s return might encourage Islamist movements elsewhere in Central Asia more than two decades after Osama bin Laden first sought refuge under their protection.
1 : the act or process of breathing : the inhaling of oxygen and the exhaling of carbon dioxide. 2 : the process by which cells use oxygen to break down sugar and obtain energy.
hey dear thanks for thanks
can I have ur intro ??
Your folløwing is same as mine
maybe I know yuh
good morning have a wonderful day Army blink
I m too both hehe