What's rotational symmetry, how to find its order?
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In rotational symmetry,the shape or image looks same also after it is rotated.How many matches are there as you go once is called the Order.
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In Rotational Symmetry the shape or image can be rotated which still looks the same.
To find its order: We have to see how many times it looks like itself when we rotate it 360 degree. Eg: A square looks like it was originally was 4 times when we rotate it by 360 degree and hence a square has 4 rotational symmetry. Whereas a rectangle originally looks like it was originally twice. And hence it has 2 rotational symmetry.
To find its order: We have to see how many times it looks like itself when we rotate it 360 degree. Eg: A square looks like it was originally was 4 times when we rotate it by 360 degree and hence a square has 4 rotational symmetry. Whereas a rectangle originally looks like it was originally twice. And hence it has 2 rotational symmetry.
Thanks a lot!!
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