English, asked by isabellawinson155, 4 months ago

•What's something you thought you'd grow out of but haven't? ...

•What age do you feel right now and why? ...

•As the only human left on Earth, what would you do? ...

•How different was your life one year ago? ...

•What is your best childhood memory? ...

•What's something you've always wanted to try?​


Answered by Anonymous


  • hmm.. nothing like that! I'm happy,smiling as always! :)

  • huh? you ask weird Questions than me xD but how can I say when I don't know how I Feel in my older age? people say I look like a 9 year old.. but I'M SERIOUSLY 12! when I give any advices to anyone I feel I'm very very very old. and when I jolly play with friends like watch cartoons etc..I feel I'm a 5 year old and when go outing with friends, and go to camps I feel I'm a teenage!

  • I would probably sit and cry.. for my parents and family, friends. wouldn't like to go to stores and steal stuff. I won't be in that very happy mode. No way. all I'll do is cry .

  • hmm...the usual LIFE WAS DIFFERENT BEFORE CARONA..but...it's pretty okie dokie life! happy and cheerful life leading..no Carona in my place anymore!(New Zealand)

  • I'm still a child! well, when I was 2 (this is a little cre..epy) I was playing when I suddenly said "Mom, a fairy asked me in heaven to choose a mom I choose you" when my mom asked me to describe the fairy I described my Great grandmother perfectly! I could barely speak at that time.

  • mmm.. like, Watch TV all day. play all day. phone all day. xD a lot more..



Answered by Anonymous



1) I was hoping I'd grow out of my fear of ghosts and watching horror movies...I am such a scaredy cat !...I am  afraid of my 'imaginary  monsters and ghosts'...my mind is always making up these pictures of weird monsters and I always have trouble falling asleep at night if I watch some horror stuffs . I've been having this fear since I was a little kid but Hey, guess what? I am 16 now and still run to my parents bedroom when am scared to sleep alone sometimes.... sheesh...am still a kid....

2) I sometimes feel like a kid, sometimes like a mature adult....lol..It depends on my situation. When am home and with my brothers or with my friends, I act like a kid and play around but in other situations when am in school during classes or while studying, I get like super mature...Its like am sorta Bipolar...sometimes I get super mature, poetical and philosophical and sometimes I act like a kid.

3) Omg...if I was the only human left, I'd run out and sing aloud ( I usually only sing in showers) and walk around confidently. I'd walk around like I was Prince Charming with a crown and an awful costume. I would go to libraries and read peacefully (am a huge bookworm...hehe) eating a bunch of cakes and chocolates. In short, I'd just enjoy and live my life..!

4) Hmm...good question. Last year, there was way less pressure for me in academics. This year am in 10th Grade and I have this huge exam coming up that determines my whole future and my career choice. So, I had to study a lot and sacrifice a lot of my time into doing school stuffs. Last year I was feeling much better, way less stuff to study and not much pressure.

But this year, I found a lot more friends and I learnt more about myself and participated in many extra curricular activities.!

5) My best childhood memory was when I went to this huggge water park in an island...it was amazing! We stayed in a hotel, had a great buffet breakfast and had lots and lots of fun with my family! Hey, what's more awesome than spending time with your family?

6) So, something I've always wanted to try...hmm...I wanted to write my own novel and publish it. I have the whole story of the novel planned out, but I need to start writing it! But its now put on hold since I've got exams going on. I will start writing it one day and hope to publish it within a year or so!

I hope my answers were clear!

Have a great day!

Your questions are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Keep being curious!

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