What's the conclusion of Story of Urban case and Rural case.
where are the urban case and rural case u write half question
the five case studies and the theme-based information presented in this paper shows,
enhancing urban-rural linkages can help to foster common approaches and activities which
follow the principles of sustainable development. This is particularly the case where the
linkages are between neighbouring urban and rural areas working together to solve common
problems or achieve shared goals.
In the absence of such co-operative working, there is a danger that neighbouring authorities
would end up in competition with each other, for instance competing for the tax revenue
arising from new developments. Such competition would be detrimental to the pursuit of
sustainable development goals. Furthermore, neighbouring urban and rural areas are
usually to some degree interdependent (for instance, urban areas provide rural areas with
work opportunities, goods and services, while rural areas provide raw materials and
resources), and this interdependence needs to be somehow managed.
Urban-rural linkages can vary greatly with regard to what incentives there are to make
linkages in the first place, how easy or difficult it is to make linkages, what benefits – and
problems – may arise from making linkages, and who will experience these benefits and
problems (e.g. the linkage may favour the urban area, the rural area, or both). In some
instances, there are clear benefits, while in others the benefits are not so clear (and it may
be hard to see any disadvantage caused by not working together). In some instances, the
incentives and benefits of joint working are greater for urban areas, while in others they are
greater for rural areas.