English, asked by Dhruv00, 1 year ago

What's the importance of success/failure stories?

Do they really matter?

If yes,how?

Can you relate it with yourself?

Only be answered by Benefactors!!


Dhruv, Benefactor.


nancyyy: Bro..Do u want an essay or paragraph?
Dhruv00: essay!
nancyyy: Word limit?
nancyyy: If any...


Answered by Shakespeare0856
Heya bro,

Here's your answer,

Stories are a build up to the future. They help building the mindset of the brain. They make a person an absolutist and the kind of stories we read make us believe to be either positive or negative in life. Whatever we do, make us adjudged to come up to a conclusion whether good or bad, it has an impact on our lives. Similarly, a story, whatever is it about, directly or indirectly affect us.


☆ Success stories provide you the way to travel through situations. They guide you, direct you and emphasise to be the best of what you can be.

On the other hand, failure stories provide you with experiences. Experiences are a way better teacher, right?
Failure stories give a lesson.They provide us with situations and make us learn to deal with the circumstances that come up to us.

According to me, Failures and the stories regarding them are the best teachers of life. They provide us with lessons that the success stories would never do. They teach us that we shall not commit the same mistake again in future that was done by others in the past. Infact, this is the reason we are taught history as a subject in schools.



Of course, it matters. Stories leave an ever lasting impact on our body. When we see something, we may skip those things in future. But, when we read something, we can't forget it. It leaves a deep and everlasting impact on our minds, which is too influential.

For instance, when we read a paragraph, we basically try to find out one of two basics in it, either positive or negative, and whatever we extract out of it, we consider it as a part of our life. There are many stories, which once read, we wish to read it again and again. And in the end, we end up admiring the writer and tend to read whole lot of his stories.
No matter what do we read, when do we read and how do we read it, it has an impact on our lives that may not be seen at that moment, but it surely comes at some or the other point of life.



Yeah, it was somewhat similar to my own story. Now, I know you would be saying that every instance of my life is related to Shakespeare only, but yeah, that's what it is. 2 years back , when I had read his novel , the Romeo and the Juliet, I began to think deeply for the first time in my life. I became engrossed. I searched for a positive and negative side of every situation. I became extraordinarily imaginative and an introvert too. I still don't know what had happened to him. Since then, I have read 19 novels, 130 poems and 5 plays of his, but I still remember whole of the story of Romeo and Juliet  and I bet, that I can never forget it. Not even if I die.

The way it mattered to me is clearly depictable through my answers. Whatever words do I use today, whatever expressions I give today, whatever quotes I create on this day, everything belongs to him and will forever be.

He changed my world. He made me what I'm today. I can not even imagine how would I be without him!

Thanks to those wonderful stories which made me alight ^_^ .........


Hope this helps!!!

Dhruv00: Just one word - "Perfect"
Nikki57: Excellent!
rohit710: Fabulous Answer !!
Anonymous: Fantabulous didu !!
Shakespeare0856: Thankuhhh Dhruv Bhaiya, Nika bhna, Newton sir, n my sweetie :heart_eyes:
Answered by Anonymous
Halo bro,

First let me start with what is a story.

★What is a story?

According to google the meaning of story is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
But it is not like that..
Stories are much more than that..
stories can express someone's feelings, stories are meant to inspire something who have lost all hope in his/her life..
Stories have lots of meaning residing in them.
They are the best thing that can help a human to change his/her life.

This was a small definition of stories..
Now coming to point..

★What are success and failure stories?

Success stories are the stories which are mostly of successful people who have gained many achievements in there life. Success stories inspire people and help them to get motivated.
Failure stories give a lesson of life. Many people also get inspired from failure stories too.
Failure stories are not just stories they are a lesson of life.

To me both kind of stories are good and very much helpful for a person's thinking to be changed.

Now coming to the point..

★What's the importance of success and failure stories?

Success and failure stories have very much importance in a person's life. It sometimes even change a person totally. It have very much influence on a person.

Now, how success stories have importance.

†Success stories are of people who have faced lots of difficulties in there life and now due to there hardwork, determination and dedication they have gained lots of achievement and success in their lives.
There are many successful people who themselves write there stories to help the other people to get motivated and never lose there hopes..
Hope is only the single thing that helps a person to survive who have lost all his/her confidence..
Success stories not only give motivation and teachings of life but it also teaches good lessons of life that are never taught in schools nor in colleges..

Now, coming to failure stories.

We a have read history..
Do u know why we read it?
You will tell yes, and if I ask why?
Your ans will be to learn about our past..
But, it's not that much history sub is taught to students is schools so that the mistakes that are done by the people in the past is not repeated again, and we get to learn how to handle the situation and how to get out of them.
And most of the history is full of failure stories that teaches us lot many things.

★Do they really matter?

Yeah, these kinds of stories do matter in a person's life.
As, I have said about how it helps a person's in his/her life.
By that only we can understand how these stories matter in a person's life.
How these stories completely change a person's life.
But one thing is upto a person that..
A person takes good lesson from these stories or that person take it in a wrong sense..
As, we know coin have two faces i.e. head and tail..
same is with every situation of life..
Everything have two faces but it's upto that person how he/she takes it!!!

My conclusion is that these kinds of stories most often help good people..
It can even help bad people who want to change..
But this can't help animals who are living in the face of humans.

★Can you relate it with yourself?

Relating myself with such stories..
Hmm... Need to think!!!

In my life I have read many success and failure stories..
These stories have shaped my life..
The way I'm, the things that I want, the way I talk, the things I like, and many more things..
These stories have not always helped me these stories have even mad me sad!!
I will not write much about myself..
That how these stories have influence my life.
Bcz I still read such kind of stories.
And when I will be successful in my life..
at that time I would be much more capable of writing about myself..
about how my life was influenced by different kinds of things but this time it's not possible..

Hope my ans. is little bit upto the mark!!!
Good day!!

"Successful people don't do different things, they do things differently"


Nikki57: Excellent!
Anonymous: Thx.^_^
Anonymous: Great efforts !!
Anonymous: thx. siso!
Shakespeare0856: Fab re! Awesome ^_^
Anonymous: u have written much cool ans than me!!
Shakespeare0856: Hehe......thnks for tht.......but urs too is heart rendin
Anonymous: :-)
AkshithaZayn: superb
Anonymous: thx. siso!!
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