What's the position at t=2 sec??!?

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Find resultant of F u will be left with -2i +4j then +divide it by mass to get acceleration
now on integrating wrt dt u will get velocity = -2t , 4t
again integrate wrt dt to get position & WE WILL get = -2t2/2 ,4t2/2 = -4, 8 m (ANS) ( on putting t=2sec
I hope it help ..________
Find resultant of F u will be left with -2i +4j then +divide it by mass to get acceleration
now on integrating wrt dt u will get velocity = -2t , 4t
again integrate wrt dt to get position & WE WILL get = -2t2/2 ,4t2/2 = -4, 8 m (ANS) ( on putting t=2sec
I hope it help ..________
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