Science, asked by indhu7378, 11 months ago

what's your opinion on time traveling​


Answered by Anonymous

Time travel is the concept of movement between certain points in time

And now to your second question

Is it possible? How?

(This is going to be a lengthy answer so try to read till end. You'll definitely get your answer)

In science fiction, space and time warps are commonplace. They are used for rapid journeys around the galaxy or for travel through time.

But today's science fiction is often tomorrow's science fact. So what are the chances of time travel?

The idea that space and time can be curved or warped is fairly recent. For more than 2000 years the axioms of Euclidean geometry were considered to be self evident.

A way to describe curved spaces was developed by the german Bernhard riemann in 1854, it remained just a piece of mathematics for 60 years. It could describe curved spaces that existed in the abstract, but there seemed no reason why the physical space we lived in should be curved. This reason came only in 1915 when Einstein put forward the general theory of relativity.

General relativity was a major intellectual revolution that has transformed the way we think about the universe. It is a theory not only of curved space but of curved or warped time as well. Einstein has realised in 1905 that space and time are intimately connected with each other. One can describe the location of an event by four numbers. Three numbers describe the position of the event. The fourth number is the time of the event. Thus one can think of space and time together as a four dimensional entity called space time. Eaxh point of space time is labelled by four numbers that specify its postion in space and in time. Combining space and time into space-time in this way would be rather trivial if one could disentangle them in a unique way. This is to say if there was a unique way of defining the time and position of each event. Einstein showed that the time and postion at which one thought an event occurred depend on how one was moving. This meant that time and space were inextricably bound up with each other.

The time that different observers would assign to events would agree if the observers were not moving relative to each other. But they would disagree more the faster their relative speed. So one Can ask how fast does one need to go in order that the time for one observer should go backwards relative to the time of another observer. The answer is given in the following limerick:

There was a young lady of wight,

Who travelled much faster than light,

She departed one day in a relative way,

And arrived on the previous night.

So all we need for time travel is a spaceship that will go faster than light. Unfortunately in the same paper Einstein showed that rocket power needed to accelerate a space ship got greater and greater the nearer it got to the speed of light. So it would take an infinite amount of power to accelerate past the speed of light.

In some histories space-time will be so warped that objects like Rockets will be able to travel into their pasts. But each history is complete and self contained, describing not only the curved space-time but also the objects in it. So a rocket cannot transfer to another alternative history when it comes round again. It is still in the same history which has to be self-consistent.

But this subject of space and time warps is still in its infancy. According to a unifying form of string theory known as M theory which is the best hope of uniting general relativity and quantum theory, space-time ought to have eleven dimensions, not just the four that we experience. The idea is that seven of these eleven dimensions are curled up into a space so small that we don't notice them. On the other hand remaining four directions are fairly flat and are what we call space-time. If this picture is correct it might be possible to arrange that the four flat directions get mixed uo with highly curved or warped directions. What this would give rise to we don't yet know. But it open exciting possibilities.

In conclusion, rapid space travel and travel back in time can't be ruled out according to our present understanding. They would cause great logical problems, so let's hope there's a chronology protection law to prevent people going back and Killing their parents. But science fiction fans need not lose heart. There's a hope in M-theory.

Hope this answers your question.

Note: To know more about the time travel i would recommend you to read


In the above mentioned book you'll definitely get your answers not only for time travel but also for the all the big questions.

Answered by Anonymous


My opinion on time traveling!


I really wish that one's I could ever visit my past " time traveling" means a lot for me !

I always think that if someone invents a time machine than it would be so amazing right! because they could see there future , past and what not . I really appreciate those who are in love with time traveling because I am one of those !

I always wish that one I could travel time so as no one can reach me!

please mark brainliest

please follow me

and thank my answers ♥️

these was my opinion about time traveling!

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