CBSE BOARD XII, asked by s1453159, 2 months ago

What's your opinion on tipping?
Do you people watch? If so, where do you like to do this most?
What was the last meltdown that you witnessed?
What's the story behind your last rant?
What do you love most about where you grew up?
What is your favorite spice?
Do you believe there is only one other person in the world for you or many?
Who was the last person you made happy and what did you do to do it?
What argument did you have that looking back on was absolutely ridiculous?
If you had the choice to go back in time or into the future, which would you choose?
What is something you predict will exist in 10 years that doesn't today?
If you had to choose, would you rather be too hot or too cold?
If you had to name one thing that makes you stand out from others, what would that be?
What's the embarrassing story that your parents used to tell others about you?
If it's raining outside, what activity do you most want to do?
What has been your biggest financial mistake?
What is the last encounter you had with a random stranger?
What recent experience made you feel old?
If you could have the attention of the world for one minute, what would you say?
What do you think people pretend to like when they really don't?


Answered by radhakrishnans96


absolutely ridiculous?

If you had the choice to go back in time or into the future, which would you choose?

What is something you predict will exist in 10 years that doesn't today?

If you had to choose, would you rather be too hot or too cold?

If you had to name one thing that makes you stand out from others, what would that be?

What's the embarrassing story that your parents used to tell others about you?

If it's raining outside, what activity do you most want to do?

What has been your biggest financial mistake?


What is the last encounter you had with a random stranger?

What recent experience made you feel old?

If you could have the attention of the world for one minute, what would you say?

What do you think people pretend to like when they really don't?

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