What seems to have been the author’s intention?
(Why did the author write this text? How the author explained his tale)
firs voyage around the world
The Structure of the Essay of Analysis
Introduction The introduction of your analytic essay identifies the passage you are analyzing
with the title of the book or article and the author. Include a copy if possible; otherwise cite exact
page and line references. Next, your analytical statement should clearly state the major purpose
and the major techniques of the original. This analytic statement will control all that follows in
your essay.
Development: Two Approaches The body of the essay should elaborate the separate elements
that make up the larger design. Here you enumerate all the techniques you have discovered and
support them by specific examples, using quotation, paraphrase, summary, or description. You
must relate each technique to the overall analytic statement so that the reader sees how each
detail is tied in to the larger design. Transitional statements at the beginning of each paragraph
Conclusion In the conclusion of your analysis, do more than simply repeat your main points.
Drive home your analytic statement in a striking way that grows out of all you have said
previously. After having shown the reader all your ideas and specific evidence, you should be able
to make a more penetrating observation than you could at the beginning-before you laid out the
evidence. If you have additional moral, ethical, or intellectual reactions to the selection, the
conclusion is the place to express such reactions. Since there is no single, all-purpose way of
concluding, feel free to experiment. The only important point to remember is that the essay's
conclusion should grow out of and reinforce the analysis.