what should be a essay on unusual pet?
Owning an unusual pet was a way to show wealth and power to others. These were known as Menageries. A menagerie is a private collection of animals, which is not open to the public as a zoo is in our times now. When a family decides to buy a family pet, generally they look at fancy fish, sweet little kittens or even a high-spirited puppy. They would not think about going out and buying a lion for their young child to play with. However, many people get unusual pets. Yet, it does affect society in a way because of the effects owning an unusual animal as a pet has on the community as well as to the animal. Exotic animals do not belong as a personal pet. Examples of this are Madagascar hissing cockroach, Sugar gliders and Tarantula.
Selecting a cockroach as a pet may seem a stretch, but many people like it as a pet. Madagascar hissing cockroach is no ordinary roach. It can grow up to 3 inches long and over an inch wide. Well it’s not something you would hit with a rolled-up magazine for sure. This type of cockroach is clean, odorless, sanitary, docile and harmless. Besides size and personal hygiene, the hissing cockroach is unique for the sound it makes. The hissing noise can be heard during mating rituals, aggression between males or when an adult males, adult female or nymph are handled or disturbed in some way. Studies have shown that males can tell each other apart by hissing, which also tells them something of size of their potential opponents. Also, females are attracted to the tone and strength of male’s hissing. Hissing cockroaches also enjoy a rather large range of diet. They are also long-lived creatures, from an insect point of view. They can live up to five years.
An exotic pet is a pet which is relatively rare or unusual to keep, or is generally thought of as a wild species rather than as a pet. The definition varies by culture, location, and over time—as animals become firmly enough established in the world of animal fancy, they may no longer be considered exotic.