what should be done to convince the school students to adapt a healthy lifestyle
It is very important to inculcate healthy habits in school students. We can motivate school students by showing them the benefits of maintaining a good health. Some of the benefits that can be discussed with students are mentioned below :-
1. Good health provides us the energy to deal with day to day tasks in effective manner.
2. It makes us energetic and our ability to accomplish more in life increases.
3. Good health ensures that we are able to cope up with stress and focus on achieving our objectives. It provides us ability to concentrate on studies as well as extracurricular activities.
4. Take examples of sports persons like Ussain Bolt or Virat Kohli from India. These people are able to accomplish great results in their life because of good health.
5. If we are healthy then only we can positively contribute to our family, society and nation.
6. If we are not maintaining good health we feel lazy and sick all the time, our ability to perform well in school homework as well as in sports activities decreases.
Nowadays life has become tough as competition is very high. Good health provides us the energy and endurance to perform well in all aspects of life accomplish significant results in all the dimensions of our life. Its a old saying but holds true “Health is Wealth " .