What should be reduced and why? Explain.
Reduce Your Impact on the Environment and Go Green With These Easy Energy and Resource Saving Tips!
The first step in going green is to reduce the amount of things that you throw away and consume. This means reducing your energy bills, grocery bills, water usage, and gas consumption. This can be one of the most rewarding forms of leading a green lifestyle, as you realize the financial benefits as well as help the environment at the same time! Read on for 50 easy ways that you can start reducing various aspects of your life today, from the trash you throw away to junk mail.
50 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Energy Consumption, Bills, Water Use, and More
Reduce the energy your computer consumes.
Turn the heat down in your home a notch or two to save money and energy.
Use the "shut down" feature on your computer instead of the "sleep" mode.
Reduce your gas mileage and make your car more efficient.
Reduce your shower time by 1-2 minutes to conserve water.
Reduce the amount of water you consume by switching to tap or filtered tap water.
It's time you stopped using plastic bags! Reduce the amount of plastic created in the world by switching to reusable bags.
Reduce the amount of plastic utensils you throw away by switching to reusable utensils.
When making photo copies, go for double sided printing to reduce paper waste.
Add this signature (please consider the environment before printing this email) to your emails to reduce the amount of emails people print out.
Reduce plant watering with rain barrels to collect gutter runoff.
Reduce trash by composting your veggies.
Reduce the amount of pesticides you consume (and that are released into the environment) by going organic.
Reduce the number of veggies you have to buy at the store and start your own vegetable garden.
Reduce your consumption of laundry detergent and fabric softener with reusable dryer sheets and soap nuts.
Reduce your hot water use and save money and energy.
Use an Energy Star rated dishwasher to save more water once your old one junks out.
Reduce our dependence on foreign oil by walking or biking to work once in a while.
Reduce the amount of food that spoils in your fridge.
Reduce the amount of time and energy spent cooking by making two meals at once in the oven.
Consider getting solar energy in your home to reduce your bills and impact on the environment.
Support wind energy to reduce our fossil fuel consumption and dependence.
Reduce air conditioning usage with these seven easy tips.
Reduce junk mail that comes to your home.
Reduce the amount of laundry detergent caps you throw away