What should be the role of school and teachers during adoloscence ?
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Teacher should understand their problems and help to solve them: Today the problems and anxieties of adolescents are growing larger day by day. They cannot solve these problems without help of others. Teacher should play a role of friend, philosopher and a guide to provide help to adolescents
Education is viewed as critical to improving many aspects of the transition of adolescents to adulthood and quality of life. Improvements in health and survival have ensured for a great many more infants and children the opportunity to enjoy life into adolescence and beyond.16-Mar-2016
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As a guide, teacher should provide them information’s which parents refuse to give and which in society is not easily available to him. Specifically it means providing sex education and career education.
Schools can play an important role in adolescents' identity development. ... The third group suggests that explorative learning experiences must be meaningful and situated in a supportive classroom climate in order to foster adolescents' identity development.
I hope it help u better
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