What should teenagers be aware of in their age
It is the age where no. Of hormone changes takes place in our body leading to attraction towards anyone
And it is also the age from where we have to decide our carrier and workout for it.It is in the hand of teenagers whether they focus on their goals or follow the wrong track
which can destroy their future.
Psychologists believe that parents should develop healthy boundaries with their teens and provide them with a structure to become a thoughtful, responsible adult. This requires parents to be clear and firm in their expectations from kids, so that they are aware of the consequences of their actions.
Make your presence felt in the lives of your teenagers. Be involved in their life to know their activities and supervise them whenever necessary. The supervision does not have to be limited to special tasks; rather they can be daily activities like pick and drop from school, checking with the curfew, helping with homework and ensuring household chores are done on time. An overall estimation of their activities can give you a picture of your teens’ understanding of their responsibilities.
As a parent, your responsibility does not end with the instructions you gave your teen. The job is to follow it up till your teenager meets your expectations. Remind the teens of promises they have made and the work they have to do. While doing so, though, refrain from getting emotional or confrontational with your teen.
Practice what you preach. If parents make mistakes, they should admit and amend them. This way they can set example for their kids, young and old, and encourage them to become responsible adults.
Do not overdo things for your teens. Let them be responsible for the good and bad decisions they have made. If a teen gets ticket for over speeding, let him pay the fine; likewise, if they don’t prepare for an exam and fail it, then let them deal with the bad grade and retake the exam if necessary. This way kids will learn how to take responsibility of their actions and deal with the consequences.
Last but not the least, always acknowledge good actions of your teenagers when they have performed a task well and show a sense of responsibility. This way parents will encourage them to perform better and become a responsible adult in the future.