Biology, asked by nitushrestha7645, 4 months ago

what should we do in a case of fever give in points​


Answered by kakshat894


we should do things that keep us giving sweat so that the fever goes down

Answered by jayden123

No treatment is necessary for a mild fever unless the person is uncomfortable. If the fever is 102 or higher:-

  • Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen as directed on the label.
  • Bathing or sponging in lukewarm water may bring the temperature down. Do not use cold water or alcohol.
  • Have the person wear light clothing and use a light cover or sheet. If the person gets chills, use an extra blanket until they go away.
  • Have the person drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Call a doctor if the fever lasts longer than 3 days.

When is a fever serious?


Get medical help right away if the person has a fever and:-

  • A history of serious illness such as AIDS, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes, or they're taking immunosuppressant drugs
  • It doesn't get better with medicine
  • Been in very hot weather and feels hot but isn't sweating
  • A stiff neck is confused or has trouble staying awake
  • Severe pain in their lower belly
  • Severe stomach pain vomits repeatedly or has severe diarrhoea
  • Skin rashes, blisters, or a red streak on an arm or leg
  • A severe sore throat, swelling of the throat, or an earache
  • Pain when they pee, back pain, or shaking chills
  • A severe cough coughs up blood or has trouble breathing

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