What should we listen to Brain or heart??
Answer: It may vary situation to the situation.
Sometimes people get confused between the internal voice and our mind. Sometimes we think that whatever our mind is saying is what our heart is saying, but its not always truth.
If you want to differentiate between these two voices then whenever you get confused between these voices just ask yourself question.
-Whatever am I going to do help me in the next upcoming years and be honest with yourself, if the answer is no then just understand it was your mind's voice and the intelligence/conscious/soul denied you to do it.
Intelligence tells us the truth usually its bitter, but helpful for a long term and Mind judges the moment as per the emotions, pleasure and joy.
When we deny to our mind in the beginning and listen to our intelligence it may hurt a little in the beginning but it will help a lot in the long term plan.
Listen to your deep internal voice and learn to accept the bitter truth cause biiter gourd is bitter but its actually very helpful for our health tho.