What skills are most in demand?
The most in-demand hard skills
Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Analytical Reasoning
People Management
UX Design
Mobile Application Development
Video Production
Sales Leadership
Audio Production
Natural Language Processing
Scientific Computing
Game Development
Social Media Marketing
Business Analysis
Digital Marketing
Industrial Design
Competitive Strategies
Customer Service Systems
Software Testing
Data Science
Computer Graphics
Corporate Communications
Unsurprisingly, tech skills dominate this wish list. However, with skills like Journalism, Social Media Marketing, Corporate Communications, and Competitive Strategies making the list, it’s clear companies are looking for new ways to stand out and tell their story in a competitive market.
But, even candidates with exceptional hard skills need soft skills in order to stand out and succeed in any of the above roles. In fact, 57% of leaders say soft skills are more important than hard skills.
What are the soft skills companies are looking for most in 2019? They are:
The most in-demand soft skills
Time Management
Topping the list of desirable soft skills is creativity. And that isn’t surprising – organizations everywhere need people who can innovate and conceive fresh ideas and solutions.