English, asked by anilkumar7562, 1 year ago

What sort of a person was chief seattle? what does the first paragraph(yonder sky--------------------plain) tells about him?


Answered by 8853

Answer:It contains the following statements by Chief Seattle: I look upon you as my father, I and the rest regard you as such. All of the Indians have the same good feeling toward you and will send it on paper to the Great Father. All of the men, old men, women and children rejoice that he has sent you to take care of them

The city of Seattle, in the U.S. state of Washington, was named after him. A widely publicized speech arguing in favor of ecological responsibility and respect of Native Americans' land rights had been attributed to him; however what he actually said has been lost through translation and rewriting.

Born sometime around 1790, Seattle (Seathl) was a chief of the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes who lived around the Pacific Coast bay that is today called Puget Sound. He was the son of a Suquamish father and a Duwamish mother, a lineage that allowed him to gain influence in both tribes.


Chief Seattle in his famous speech of 1854 says that the White people's religion, i.e. Christianity, is written upon stones so that people never forget it. It is not felt by heart

The City of Seattle was named after the Native American Chief from the Duwamish (Dkhw'Duw'Absh) Tribe. ... The City of Seattle was named after the Native American Chief from the Duwamish (Dkhw'Duw'Absh) Tribe.

According to Chief Seattle “There is no death, only a change of worlds.” He means to say that after the physical death, the spirits still stay alive and wander about the beautiful places of this world that they loved in their life.

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