what sort of things do you people spend their money on why?
Generally, I suppose they learn from their parents as the first example. If their parents are very careful and manage their finances well, then young people will probably adopt some of their parents’ habits, if not all of them.
On the other hand, if parents are very free and easy with their money and don’t plan or save anything, it’s likely that their children will have a similar attitude unless somebody else shows them a different approach. I suppose sometimes children may learn about managing money at school, but I don’t think all schools teach it as a skill. Or maybe they will be a part of a promotional activity by a financial institution and learn some good habits as part of it.
Of course, once you’re working and earning money, there’s a lot of financial advice and tips available. As soon as you open a bank account you normally get bombarded by financial advice, savings plans and other financial products from the bank you choose.
People spend their money mostly on :
Their needs. e.g. food, water, shelter etc.
Their wants. e.g. A new watch, mobile phone etc.