What steps did Alauddin Khilji take to effectively control his empire?
4 Steps Taken by Alauddin Khilji to Control the Revolts
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Sultan Alauddin Khalji after having analyzed the factors leading to the revolts took some effective steps in order to check them. The following ordinances were passed as a counter-measure to deal with the problem.
1. By one of his ordinances the Sultan prohibited the sale and use of intoxicants. Gambling was also, prohibited. People were not permitted to take wine in feasts. The Sultan himself gave up drinking and broke his wine vessels publicly. Severe punishment was announced for those who tried to act against this ordinance but in spite of all these steps Delhi could not become dry and people failed to give up this habit completely. People travelled far and wide to quench their thirst for wine. The Sultan having realized the weakness of the people for wine made some relaxation in this ordinance. He permitted the private use of wine but publicly its drinking remained prohibited.
2. The Sultan warned the nobles and Amirs not to enter into inter-caste marriages without his prior permission. Social gatherings and mutual feasts were also prohibited by another ordinance.
3. The property of governors, nobles,’ Amirs and wealthy persons was confiscated by the order of the Sultan in order to reduce them to poverty. Only that much money was left with them which was sufficient to meet their bare necessities. All lands granted to them by gifts, pensions and endowments were cancelled. He also enhanced the taxes in order to pauperize the people. The orders of the Sultan were strictly followed and the people became so much busy in earning their livelihood that they forgot to utter the word ‘rebellion’.
4. He reorganized his spies ant] they penetrated into not only the public places but also ” the private apartments of the nobles and governors. It terrified the high officials of the Sultanate so that they dared not utter a word against the Sultan.
As a result of these ordinances, no revolt took place in the later period of the reign of Alauddin but his administration was based on power and this continued only in his lifetime. After his death revolts began to occur again.
He permitted the private use of wine but publicly its drinking remained prohibited. 2. The Sultan warned the nobles and Amirs not to enter into inter-caste marriages without his prior permission. Social gatherings and mutual feasts were also prohibited by another ordinance.