what the captain of the ship might have said when he recognised sinbad
The Captain of the Ship recognised Sindbad.
I'm very happy to see you again. We missed you very much. We thought that you had drowned in the sea. Now, you can have all your merchandise
The ship of the captain. Recognize Sindbad, he said that I'm very happy to see you again. We missed you so much. I thought you had been lost from our network. Sindbad's master was so pleased with the huge quantities of ivory in the graveyard that he said to send word free and in return, Zindabad returned rich with very ivory and gold. During their stay on the island, Sindbad witnessed several remarkable sites. They were huge fishes in the seawater that he had sought around Iceland once he saw a huge face that had huge. Head like a bull cow. He also witnessed many unimaginable wonders like a flying carpet.
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