Geography, asked by sheikhbushra56, 2 months ago

What the country is supposed to do during the time of scarcity of resources? ​


Answered by vishalbanjare14


Scarcity as an economic concept "... refers to the basic fact of life that there exists only a finite amount of human and nonhuman resources which the best technical knowledge is capable of using to produce only limited maximum amounts of each economic good ... ."[1] If the conditions of scarcity didn't exist and an "infinite amount of every good could be produced or human wants fully satisfied ... there would be no economic goods, i.e. goods that are relatively scarce..."[1] Scarcity is the limited availability of a commodity, which may be in demand in the market or by the commons. Scarcity also includes an individual's lack of resources to buy commodities.[2] The opposite of scarcity is abundance.

Scarcity plays a key role in economic theory, and it's essential for a "proper definition of economics itself." [3]

"The best example is perhaps Walras’ definition of social wealth, i.e., economic goods.[3] ‘By social wealth’, says Walras, ‘I mean all things, material or immaterial (it does not matter which in this context), that are scarce, that is to say, on the one hand, useful to us and, on the other hand, only available to us in limited quantity’." [4] -Montani G. (1987)

Answered by Anonymous

the goods and services of any country are limited, which can lead to scarcity. Countries have different resources available to produce goods and services. These resources can be workers, government and private company investment, or raw materials (like trees or coal). Certain limits of scarcity can be balanced by taking resources from one area and using them somewhere else. Sellers like private companies or governments decide how the available resources are spread out. This is done by trying to strike a balance between what consumers need or want, what the government needs, and what will be an efficient use of resources to maximize profits. Countries also import resources from other countries, and export resources from their own.

Scarcity can be created on purpose. For example, governments control the printing of money, a valuable good. But, paper, cotton, and labor are all widely available across the world, so the things required to make money are not themselves scarce. If governments print too much money, the value of their money decreases, because it has become less scarce. When the supply of money in an economy is too high, it can lead to inflation. Inflation means the amount of money needed to buy a good or service increases—therefore money becomes less valuable, and the same amount of money can buy less over time than it could in the past. It is therefore in a country’s best interest to keep its paper money supply relatively scarce. However, sometimes inflation can help an economy. When money is less scarce, people can spend more, which triggers a rise in production. Low inflation can help an economy grow.

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