What the name of this apex legends hero
Caustic is one of the two heroes of Apex Legends that's locked behind the microtransaction currency. All of Caustic's abilities focus on the use of poisonous gas, which can slowly chip away at the health of enemies.Explanation:
Gibraltar is the epitome of a tank. While his core health is of course the same as all the other Legends', his abilities are based around shields and protecting himself. Well, except for his ultimate which calls in a carpet bomb to cover an area with explosions.
His passive essentially means you can't be shot in the head while aiming down the sights - unless they're behind you. A shield automatically pops up to protect Gibraltar's face while aiming in, which, as you'd expect, is helpful beyond belief. His tactical ability on the other hand is basically a dome shield; throw it down in battle and you've got a safe haven where you can't be shot. You can't shoot outwards either though, so if you want to shoot back you'll have to exit the huge bubble.