Biology, asked by pankit31, 7 months ago

what the the name of digestive glands and their juices


Answered by Anonymous


The five major organs that secrete digestive juices are the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, liver and small intestine. Each of these organs synthesizes its mixture of digestive juices that breaks down food into smaller pieces that can be absorbed into the body.

Answered by bpushpita88


1. salivary gland - ptyalin, which contain sodium ion,chloride ion, bicarbonate ion IgA anttibody and little amount of urea

2. gastric gland- parietal cell /oxyntic cells which secrete HCl and castle intrensic factor

chief cells/zymogen cells- pepsinogen and prorennin

mucous cells- secrete mucous.

3.pancres (a heterocrine gland/composite gland) -tripsinogen,procaboxypeptidases, chymotrypsinogen,amylopsin,steapsin,nuclease

4.intestinal juice- duocrinin,enterocrinin,aminopeptidade,,diipeptidases,intestinal lipase, nucleotidase and nucleosidase.

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