what things we need to change a fused light bulb and write steps how to change a fused light bulb
An electric bulb may fuse due to many reasons. One reason for a bulb to fuse is a break in its filament. A break in the filament of an electric bulb means a break in the path of the current between the terminals of the electric cell. Therefore, a fused bulb does not light up as no current passes through its filament.
Get a ladder or step ladder to reduce the risk of a fall if you're changing an out-of-reach bulb.
Turn off the fixture and light switch. Admittedly, it can be difficult to tell if a fixture is truly “off” if the only bulb it requires to function has burned out. In this case, turn off the power at the fuse box. Similarly, if you can't tell whether a lamp is “on” or “off,” unplug it first.
Let the light bulb within the base cool down before touching it.
Twist the light bulb in a counter-clockwise direction until it becomes released from the socket. Set it aside.
Align the replacement bulb in the socket and turn it clockwise until you cannot turn it anymore. As an extra precaution, keep your fingers out of the socket. And do not try to over-tighten the bulb; it can easily shatter in your hands.
Safely dispose of the old bulb, perhaps by wrapping it in the package from the new bulb.