English, asked by ushasasi382, 8 months ago

what training did gandhji plam to give


Answered by vaniviji0653


According to the concept of value education giving by great Indian thinkers like Gandhiji, Gurudev Tagore, Dr. Radhakrushnan, Maharshi, Arvind, Swami Vivekanand and the values presented by the National Education commission and NEP 1986, it is made clear that value education means -

Morality, equanimity, sympathy and spiritual development education.

Education of development of virtues like simplicity, freedom, laboriousness, aesthetic sense etc.

Education of universal values like truth and non- violence.

Education for noble embellishment, expression of basic growth by good conduct and change of heart.

Education for development humanity broad mindedness, serviceability fearlessness (boldness), honesty, devotion, respect, co-operation, sense of responsibility etc.

Education for integrity and democratic sense development. There lies the opportunity for all the above values to develop in basic Education.

Answered by py8799285


Gandhiji instructed that education should develop all asspects of

individuality individuality harmoniously. he also believe that's one of the essential aim of education is the moral developmentor character development.

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