Science, asked by destiny2121, 9 months ago

What trends do you notice in how lines of longitude are measured as you travel east or west of 0° longitude?


Answered by devroy26780


The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. As you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180 degrees. As you go west from the prime meridian longitude increases to 180 degrees.

Answered by payalchatterje


Lines of longitude are measured as you travel east or west of 0° longitude:

Everything starts in Greenwich Mean Time. This is 0 degrees of longitude. It is located in Greenwich, Great Britain.

This number is located on the prime meridian, or 0 degrees of longitude. To the right of this line is east, to the left is west. Longitude ranges from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

This map represents the International Date Line. Most sit at 180 degrees of longitude. If you travel west across the line, you win a day (example Monday). If you travel east across the line, you lose a day (for example, Sunday).

Longitude and latitude were known before that, if I'm not mistaken, but even before that navigators used ruts. Rutters were "sailing secrets" pamphlets. Times, tides, journey lengths. moon phases, sea water content, direction and speeds, seasons, batch. The loss or theft of a rut meant total disaster for the team.

They were especially important for cross-latitude travel. Latitudes were easy to determine because they were counted "across" the path of the sun. The ship's clock was extremely important in solving the longitude problem. The ship's clock was set to Greenwich Mean Time and was NEVER reset EXCEPT for mechanical errors. They were very high precision machines. So longitude is actually a function of time based on the Earth's daily rotation on its axis.

Longitude related two more questions:


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