What type of creature is a flying fox?
Pteropus is a genus of megabats which are among the largest bats in the world. They are commonly known as fruit bats or flying foxes, among other colloquial names. They live in the South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, East Africa, and some oceanic islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Pteropus - Wikipedia
The type species of the genus is the Mauritian flying fox, Pteropus niger (described as Vespertilio vampyrus niger by Robert Kerr in 1792).
Genus: Pteropus; Brisson, 1762
Class: Mammalia
Family: Pteropodidae
Order: Chiroptera
Pteropus is a genus of megabats which are among the largest bats in the world. They are commonly known as fruit bats or flying foxes, among other colloquial names. They live in the South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, East Africa, and some oceanic islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Scientific name: Pteropus
Higher classification: Old World fruit bats
Rank: Genus
Length: Grey-headed flying fox: 27 cm, Black flying fox: 25 cm, Great flying fox: 28 cm,
Mass: Large flying fox: 950 g,
Indian flying fox: 820 g, Grey-headed flying fox: 680 g,
Gestation period: Indian flying fox: 167 days, Grey-headed flying fox: 188 days
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