what type of test items will you prepare to discourage cramming among the students

The correct answer is option B, open ended.
Multiple choice and matching type questions are objective questions. So they have only one correct response that has to be memorized. If the student has crammed it, these questions can easily be answered.
Short answers are better than multiple choice and matching type questions in terms of encouraging cramming, but can still be answered based on the information crammed.
All these options (A, C and D) are questions that have their answers in the text itself.
On the other hand, open ended questions are based on the text, but go beyond it. They are related to the text, but the answers cannot be found in the text. Further, open ended questions do not have any particular ‘correct’ answer. Such questions promote understanding and application of the text and hence discourage cramming.
Because Open Ended Questions encourage creativity in StudentAlso Open Ended questions do not have a particular or specific answer, the Answer given by the students reflects the thinking of the student and thus cramming will itself dwindle.