Biology, asked by devi95, 1 year ago

What types of epithelial tissues are found in respiratory tract and in intestinal lining? How do they help
in performing special task there?


Answered by sneha9305

The Epithelial tissues present in our respiratory track are Ciliary columnar epithelium and in intestinal lining are SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM

Answered by GauravSaxena01


Respiratory tract, from the nasal cavity till bronchi is  lined by various epithelial tissues such as  pseudostratified ciliated epithelium tissue in interseptum of nostril and trachea, primary, secondary, tertiary bronchioles. (to clean air from external environment)

Terminal and respiratory bronch. - simple columnar ciliated epithelium tissue.

wall of alveoli - simple squamous epithelium tissues. (for exchange of gases)

Funtions-  Ciliated Epithelial tissue prompts us to sneeze when any micro organism enters our nasal tract and goblet cells secrets mucous.

Intestinal lining - stratified squamous to resist abrasion and to absorn substance and simple columnar epithelium

The mucosa of the small intestine is lined by a simple columnar epithelium which consists primarily of absorptive cells (enterocytes), with scattered goblet cells.

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