English, asked by YadavShashi, 1 year ago

Excepting answers from Brainly Benefactors, Brainly Stars.


Answered by Yuichiro13

Hey there, your question ^_^ what am I beyond brainly, an absolute good for nothing piece of garbage ? A nerd who knows nothing but manages to get on everybody's nerves ? I might be The Best Brother, the Best Friend, The Best Boyfriend, The Best Child, The Best Student, The Best Pessimist, The Best ... umm.. maybe the Best Soccer Player in my town, etc. etc.

Brainly was something that.. just happened and kept on happening again and again and again till, what I am at present. Everything happened, improvement in my Answering, Knowledge, Friends' Circle, Love ... I already became what I would've been two years hence( mentally ). I was Jack of everything Master of Nothing since a decade ( ever since I gained my consciousness ) Perhaps, it was my luck that got me to the toppers list, and continued to get me about the top ranks but, sooner rather than later did I realize, I was an Empty Vessel making all the noise ( which I still do, habits don't fade away this easily ) 

Ah! Getting off topic is now a usual mistake ^^"  What am I beyond Brainly 

→Everything I mentioned above, explains a part of me ^_^  my Incompetence though I have the potential, my bragging nature though I want to remain silent, my pessimism though I expect Optimism from everyone, my uniqueness though I consider myself a mere garbage ... Maybe I've lost the self-confidence / self-motivation , etc. but there's something I gained being around, selflessness. 

→ I didn't know what I am ; read thousands blogs, auto-biographies of great personalities, but, never could find who am I ! 

Yesterday, a girl didn't believe me cause of my sudden changed behavior, a friend I'd say, and mistook me as my Imaginary Friend, well although that was to be expected... but, I realized, I am Priyansh Pankaj, the only human in the human race capable of calling my name out loud with Grace so that the Echo is  phenomenal and full of satisfaction( Yeah cause I'm one unique myself in the world of creeps and creepers :v: )

I always was too lazy to put in any efforts in anything, be it exams or whatsoever ; I was least concerned about whats going around ; I never got enough trust to gain friends ( yeah, blame my creepiness ) that even on the last day of my school days, they said, I couldn't make a friend in last four years. Well I'm good with that, cause now I know what a friend is like, feels like and xD tastes like. But, I achieved many things, perhaps, a nice singer, a musician, a mathematics scholar, a football player, a caring friend, I am happy with these rather than those thousands medals, certificates that attributes to your Profile while appealing to foreign Institutes. 

Brainly helped me know what I was capable of, what I lacked, what being Social is, what Tolerance is, what Impudence is :p , what Spamming is, what Excellence is, what a friend is, and most importantly, what stupidity is... 

Love you all stupid fellas that crossed paths with me. :( Sorry Anish Bhaiya, Ishita, Sanskar Bhai, Fixit, Makuto that I was being a nuisance but, you know, they say : Every good relation starts with stupid tragedies. Apologies Onii chan, Amay, Sneha, Granny, Aish, for being so impudent and unfriendly :( but you know : Every Person deserves a second chance. 

Sorry about the above stuff, me, I am you-know-who ( cause I mentioned my name above ) in class you-know-what ( cause I just passed my Boards ), a really you-know-what kinda person( cause I already mentioned my pessimist nature ), with friends you-know-how-many( cause I just started to realize what a friend tastes like ;P Yum ) ... A melodramatic 15 year old Idiot who acts like a 4 years kid to gain love and compassion cause, you know, it's kinda awkward but, I really am a guy who needs LOTS OF LOVE lol :p ♥♥

Wish I could write more . :( Me not a Benefactor yet (=_=) , but, wanted to just dot down everything I wanted to !

And :p I've *over*-confidence enough that, my efforts are capable enough of taking me beyond the skies but, I wanna fall behind till I can see everyone of 'em grow up ( you-know-whos :p cause I myself dunno .. perhaps, Humans )

Alien :p

MakutoShiedo: loved it!!!
Sneha3123: Waah!!!
YadavShashi: GREAT
allysia: ^_^ Enjoyed reading it
Anonymous: :)
AkshithaZayn: great
chaitanyakrishn1: Awesome............
AkshithaZayn: I read it full =_= you aren't unfriendly to me =_= love ye priyansh bhai :)
Answered by MakutoShiedo
Brainly star!! :p

A stupid girl I m.......who just managed to get some rank!!
BRAINLY!!! Beyond this......u asked about my world.

Before joining BRAINLY.......I was nthg more than a nerd...a stupid one after all. No friends I had -_- and reason behind it was....I considered friends as a WASTAGE OF TIME.

Brainly! In love with u...! Coz u added colors to my black and white gardens. A big thnx to Brainly for telling me the true meaning of knowledge. It helped me to think out of my box. Other than Brainly what m I? A bunch of false believes for my own self......nthg to hide :p I consider myself as someone really great . In my opinion... everyone should do.
I take myself as one of the best poets of my age :p ....although my interest towards maths is more than that towards English. A girl whom u can find always awake during nights.... A night owl, having only two things in my head....Maths and yuichiro13 .
Yuichiro13.., my idol, a true genius I should say :p He is the best thing that Brainly gifted me. He exhibits an essence of perfection. MR pessimist.........wanna be a reflection of urs! I know u'll end up lecturing me now :p

Brainly.......!!! A place of emotions....where a worthless creature stepped in and was all of sudden blessed with many! Aish , Ansh, Swapnil bhaiya , Diya di , aryan, dixit di,Praxy di, Anish bhai, sahil bhaiya, Ankit bhaiya and many more. They crossed the same paths, understood me, stood by my side whatever may be the time was....and with time the bond grew too strong that even a single thread letting out can break me any second.

That pessimistic attitude! The only thing common in me and my Ansh (yuichiro13) .It added spices to my boring life. Pessimism....its a kind of enjoyment in my opinion. Enjoyment?? How?? Umm....coz the art of writing took birth in me bcoz of a feeling so called DEPRESSION. Now ask....what relation can a 9th standard girl have with depression -_- I myself dun hv the answer. Anyways.... thnx to it! Empathy!! It grew in me coz of poetry :p started writing bcoz paper always listens. The words in my heart are too deep for my mouth to dig up. When Sad.....'Hey darling! Let's write.....' . Not sad actually.... Perfect word can be 'LONELY.' Let ur pen bleed in place of ur heart.

As I said before, My interest towards maths!!!! :p will soon be a great mathematician . Just dun want my friends to mock at me on reading this -_-
Right now I called myself a pessimist.... and on the other hand I'm saying something positive :p Well! that's the only belief I hv in myself.
I'm a great motivator :p know very well what can relieve the other person (I have a very bad habit of praising my own self) but that's for sure no one has the capacity of making me feel better once I'm totally grounded.

Other than that :p a great singer I m ( already mentioned about my bad habit of praising :p) . A lover... an irritating girlfriend :p hats off to the one who bears me all the time. One thing can be denied by none and that is......Brainly built confidence.

Other than Brainly....I answer only one word to define my world...and that is...'BORING'. :p

jenny2003: don't say 'BORING'
MakutoShiedo: that's what it is :p
jenny2003: ohk.....as u wish :)
Sky17: Lol cool
allysia: ^_^ Really nice
MakutoShiedo: thnx :)
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