History, asked by sanskriti09, 1 year ago

what was GANDHI-IRWIN pact ? Plz answer in detail


Answered by arshad1099
After the failure of First Round Table Conference efforts were made by the Government to make an agreement that  the congress  would attend the next Round Table Conference. The Viceroy, Lord Irwin, was authorised to hold talks with Mahatma Gandhi. Finally, Gandhi and Irwin made an agreement on 5 March 1931. The agreement is called Gandhi-Irwin pact By this pact Government agreed to release most of the civil disobedience volunteers, against whom there was no allegation of violence. The Congress suspended the Civil Disobedience Movement and agreed to participate in the second Round Table Conference.

sanskriti09: thank u
Answered by mayankprasad111
Gandhi irwin pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and Erwin in the year 1928
so as to stop the civil disobedience movement under this gandhiji stop the civil disobedience movement and he was invited to the second table round table conference in London for negotiation but when he went there all his all his points were rejected so when gandhiji returned to India he found that the britishers had completely taken over and dominated India they declared any anyone who tried to revolt against them as illegal and Congress was to declared as illegal so gandhiji started the second civil disobedience movement

sanskriti09: thank u
mayankprasad111: np
sanskriti09: (^.^)(^.^)(^.^)
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