Science, asked by manvith51, 11 months ago

what was in the theory of relativity ???


Answered by Anonymous
Hey friend✌✌

Your answer⬇⬇⬇

According to this theory, time and distance are not absolute. Two perfectly accurate clocks will not show the same time if they come together after a journey. The formula of the relationship between mass and energy was derived by this.

Hope it helps
Answered by rssbi3137pa7bye

आपेक्षिकता सिद्धांत अथवा सापेक्षिकता का सिद्धांत, या केवल आपेक्षिकता, आधुनिक भौतिकी का एक बुनियादी सिद्धांत है जिसे अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन ने विकसित किया और जिसके दो बड़े अंग हैं - विशिष्ट आपेक्षिकता और सामान्य आपेक्षिकता ।

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