What was khilafat movement? Why gandhi ji supported it?
Khilafat movement began with the end of first world war 1. It ended with the defeat of ottoman turkey and peace harsh treaty was imposed to khalifa(spiritual leader of Islam) who was the emperor of turkey that time.
To defend khalifa temporal power khalifa comittee was set up in march 1919 by Ali brothers , Shaukat and Muhammad Ali.
And so Gandhiji supported khalifa movement.
The main reason was to uinte the people of India as every group had common enemy British and wanted to get rid of british so he though to combine NCM with Khalifa movement.
Khilafat Movement :-
Khilafat Movement is Started by the Ali Brothers, i.e. Mohammad Ali and the Shaukat Ali in 1919. During the time of First Work war, when the Britain has captured the Turkey and the title of the Caliph or kalifa of Turkey was removed and also he does not allow to rule in Remaining part of the Turkey, then the Muslims were totally dissatisfied with the Britishers, as a result of which Ali brothers started the Opposition movement towards the Britishers which was called as Khilafat Movement.
When Mahatma G@ndhi saw that, he thoughts to unite the Hindu and the Muslims and as a Result of this, Khilafat movement was merged with the Non-corporation movement in 1920.