what was Mussolini's aim?
Answered by
Jack Usher L6M28
December 2013
Assess the aims and achievements of Mussolini’s social andeconomic policies in the years 1926-39
Arguably the aims of Italys fascist !ictator" #e$ito Mussoli$i" lay $ot i$the i$terests of Italys %o%ulatio$ but i$ Mussoli$is u$!erlyi$g !esire toacce$tuate Italys a$! his o&$ %erso$al %o&er' (co$omic %olicy reform &asu$!ertake$ &ith little eco$omic k$o≤!ge $or i$terest" &ith the ultimate aimto sustai$ a mo!er$ Italia$ &ar machi$e" $ot $ecessarily to i$crease the%ros%erity of the Italia$ %eo%le' )o$trasti$g to eco$omic %olicy" social %oliciesi$ Italy !i! rea% be$e*ts for the %eo%le" ho&e+er their ultimate aim toi$!octri$ate ge$eratio$s &ith fascist i!eology $e+er %ro+e! to materialise',e$ce" i$ both the cases of eco$omic a$! social %olicy i$ fascist Italy"Mussoli$is aims &ere se+erely ske&e! from his achie+eme$ts by 1-3-' A crucial com%o$e$t of fascist eco$omic %olicy &as Mussoli$is reformof the i$!ustrial eco$omy' ,e &a$te! to tra$sform this sector &ith a$alter$ati+e to the tra!itio$al systems of ca%italism a$! commu$ism i$ or!erfor Italy to o+ertake %re+iously %o&erful eco$omies" k$o&$ as the cor%oratestate' .he cor%orate state &oul! i$stitute a set of cor%oratio$s for each sectorof i$!ustry a$! &ithi$ each cor%oratio$ there &oul! be em%loyers a$! fascisttra!e u$io$s to re%rese$t the &orkers' (stablishe! i$ 1-26" this &as a %rimee/am%le of ho& the go+er$me$t &as begi$$i$g to i$ter+e$e more i$ eco$omicaairs" at the e/%e$se of busi$ess i$terests' .he fascist regime claime! thecor%orate state &oul! see em%loyers a$! &orkers coo%erati$g i$ or!er toma/imise i$!ustrial %ro!uctio$" a$! furthermore it &oul! a+oi! the bitteri$!ustrial !is%utes of ca%italism a$! the mo$olithic %rohibitio$ of e$tre%re$eurshi% u$!er commu$ism' I$ a!!itio$" i$ 1-2 the Labour )harter
Answered by
Mussolini's Aims
- Mussolini was firm in his foreign policies.
- He wanted to increase military.
- He wanted to grab hold of the colonies.
- He wanted to increase the economy of the country.
- He wanted to despise democracy.
- He favoured aggressive nationalism.
Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini was the Fascist or the political dictator of Italy.
He had a charismatic personality and won the glory of the people with his speeches.
He promised a strong political government to the people and ultimately became the dictator of Italy.
He believed in radical force and brutality .
He was defeated in the First World War .
His career and life ended in disgrace and he was conspired and deposed by his own party.
In April 1945, he was killed .
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