What was Schatz waiting for? How did the wait end? In the story ' A day's wait'
"A Day's Wait" (1936) is a brief story by Ernest Hemingway that conveys the seemingly tragic outcome of miscommunication between a boy and his father. Schatz is a nine-year-old boy who becomes sick one winter night. After a doctor is called, it is determined that Schatz has contracted the flu and has a high fever.
Answer: Schatz was waiting for his death, at the end he understood about his own misunderstanding which got cleared by his father
The boy was waiting all day to die In France the boys at school had told him that if a patient had 44 degrees, he would surely die. He heard the doctor say that he had 102, which was more than twice 44 he was sure to die, father laughed and explained, in France, they had a different kind of thermometer in which 37° is normal, but in our country 98 is normal, it's like kilometers and miles, so his temperature was just a little above normal. The boy relaxed immediately and the long wait ended.