English, asked by Ishan8572, 1 month ago

What was the answer ____ question 3 in the test?. Write correct preposition


Answered by vedikadixit52


The appropriate preposition to use in the above sentence is "to."


When something has a direction or destination, the preposition "to" is used to denote that. In this instance, we're referring to the test question 3 as the destination or target of the question. So, we inquire, "What was the response to test question number three?"

The preposition "to" makes the connection between the answer and the particular topic in focus more distinct and apparent. Prepositions are words that often show how a noun (or pronoun) interacts with other words in a sentence. It demonstrates the relationship between several parts of a sentence in terms of place, direction, timing, manner, or other factors.

Prepositions like "in," "on," "at," "by," and "for" are frequently used.

To know more refer the link:




Answered by Jaswindar9199

What was the answer to question 3 in the test?

  • A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
  • It indicates the position or location of something in relation to something else.
  • Common prepositions include "in," "on," "at," "with," "to," and "by." They can also be used to show time, such as "before," "after," and "during."
  • Prepositions are important in English grammar and help to create clear and concise sentences.
  • The preposition ‘to’ in the sentence is used for showing how or in what way something is done, particularly for denoting the transport that is used for travelling.

Hence, What was the answer to question 3 in the test?


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