What was the cause of disagreement between the congress - led non - cooperation movement and the peasants ' and workers ' movements?
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Answer :
What was the cause of disagreement between the
Congress-led Non-Cooperation Movement and the
Peasants’ and Workers’ Movements? [3]
Ans :
The Congress under Gandhiji believed in achieving
‘Swaraj’ by peaceful means and total non-violence. He
believed in Satyagraha, truth and non-violence. He
believed in non-cooperation with British regime.
The peasants and workers, though believed in
Gandhi’s Swaraj, khadi and boycott, did not always
believe in non-violence. They sometimes turned
violent to achieve their aims, which went against the
Congress creed. The violence at Chauri-Chaura led to
suspension of the Non-Cooperation movement. The
peasants in Awadh also indulged in violence against
landlords and taluqdars.
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