What was the crisis caused by the death of Sivalingarudrasarja
In 1824, the Desai of Kittur who did not have a son and
was on his death bed, adopted a boy and named him as his successor. The British Masters, however, refused to accept the
right of the adopted child to the chieftaincy and in accordance
with the doctorine of lapse demanded the surrender of Kittur.
Tnis was resented by the widowed queen. Rani Channamma, w no
raised the banner of revolt against the British policies, and
ant i-Administr-Jt ion. She put up a valiant fight against the
mighty British, who finally succeeded in annexing Kittur.^" In
1829 there was a second rebellion in Kittur, under the leadership
of Sangolli Rayanna. This was also put down and Rayanna was
captured and put to death of Nandgad in Khanapur taluka in
1830. Then the Government of Bombay brought under the regulations, territories of Bombay-Karnataka region which had been
acquired either by conquest from the Marathas or by treaty and
agreement from other states. These territories were formed
into a district and named as Dharwar, which was divided into
two collectorates in 1836 and the head quarters of the northern collectorate was actually shifted to Belgaum in 1838.