English, asked by rj143kss, 7 months ago

What was the difference between the spikes of the two girls?​


Answered by moni20022002


Benign childhood focal seizures and related epileptic syndromes are the commonest and probably the most fascinating and rewarding topic in paediatric epileptology.1 They affect 25% of children with non-febrile seizures and form a significant part of the everyday practice of paediatricians, neurologists and clinical neurophysiologists who care for children with seizures. Rolandic seizures (RS) are widely recognised and are associated with an excellent prognosis thanks to appropriate research and publications. Paediatricians have been receptive to and have made excellent use of this knowledge. Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS), a common disorder with dramatic clinical and EEG manifestations, eluded us until recently. PS has now been formally recognised in the new ILAE diagnostic scheme and is becoming more readily diagnosed by physicians. Less common phenotypes, such as the Gastaut type-idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy (G-ICOE) and idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy have also been recognised and defined. Furthermore, there are also children who manifest with seizures of predominantly affective symptoms, and there are claims of other benign childhood seizures associated with certain interictal EEG foci, such as frontal, midline or parietal, with or without extreme somatosensory evoked spikes.


Answered by sonalishetty2006


What was the difference between the spikes of the two girls?

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