English, asked by dhairya20068, 1 year ago

What was the duke ' s judgement in the story THE MERCHANT OF VENICE​


Answered by Priyam1000

Hola user!!


The Duke of Venice is, well, the Duke of Venice. His role in the play is to uphold the law, which is why Shylock goes running to him after Jessica eloped with a Christian, Lorenzo. Shylock, after the elopement of his daughter was filled with revenge due to which he wanted a pound of flesh from near the Antonio's heart. Duke first called him inhuman because he wanted the flesh fro Antonio's body. The duke then expects Shylock to show mercy to Antonio as he has suffered heavy loss. But Shylock still didn't listen and said that he wanted the flesh and said that he would not take the money at any cost as it is specified in the bond that if Antonio fails to pay back the right amount of money at the right time ,then Shylock will take one pound of flesh from near his heart. Then ultimately Duke allowed him to take one pound of flesh from Antonio's body.

Hope it helps

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Answered by Anonymous

Good evening dear user!!!


The Duke of Venice has played an important role in this play.His role in the play is to uphold the law, which is why Shylock runs after him to seek Justice after the Jessica robbed him. She eloped with a Christian and this lead to the take of revenge in Shylock's heart.Antonio has many a times abused him, kicked him, spat upon him. Due to which he was revengeful and wanted to take a flesh from Antonio's body. The Duke called him Inhuman because he demanded a flesh from near the Antonio's heart. The Duke expects Shylock to show some mercy but he said that he will not even take the double or triple of the money. According to the bond, it is clearly stated that the Shylock will take a pound of flesh from near the Antonio's heart if he is unable to pay the right amount of money at the right and exact time. And thus, Duke has to allow Shylock to take the flesh.

Hope it helps

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