What was the greatest trouble of the Zamindar?
several cases the zamindars could not collect the rent and hence was not able to pay to the Company. The revenue was fixed. The zamindars had to pay to the Company even if the crops failed and had to pay punctually.
High revenue demand: The fixed revenue demand was high as the Government was not supposed to take its share in any increase of revenue. Zamindars' authority diminished: The troops of the Zamindars were dispersed and their custom duties were abolished
A zamindar (also known as zomindar, zomidar, or jomidar) in the Indian subcontinent was an autonomous or semiautonomous ruler of a province who were originally known as bhumipatis.They accepted the suzerainty of the Emperor of Hindustan and were converted into zamindars by the Mughals and later the British. The term means land owner in Persian. Typically hereditary, zamindars held enormous tracts of land and control over their peasants, from whom they reserved the right to collect tax on behalf of imperial courts or for military purposes.