what was the impact of the invention of plastic ?
Answered by
Hello Abhi bro,
Plastic was invented many years back. There are many impacts on the society after it's invention.
Plastic is very useful to us in or daily life. It makes the life of human being easier. It is very cheap of cost and is available easily to everyone. It is used in the making of bottles, plates etc. They also don't get corroded and they are also used for building purposes. They help us a lot. They are easy to carry and dispose. They have a positive impact on us.
On the other hand it is a very destructive substance and has negative impact on us. It is a non-biodegradable pollutant in our society. It is a curse because it leads to the end of human's life and other organisms also. The foul smell released when it is burnt is very harmful.This not only effects the life of humans but also damages the life of other organisms. Plastics need to be dumped and recycled properly otherwise innocent animals simply consume it and die due to the chemicals in it. Plastic is basically non-biodegradable due to which they need to be disposed with care as they don't mingle with soil and once if they are disposed in soil they lead to polluting of underwater and many other underground resources. They are not eco-friendly.
So we need to take steps to reduce the use of plastic and recycle it for a better and brighter future.
hope it helps u......
i like this answer , becoz you write in your way , thanks
Answered by
hey friend.
i m gonaa tell you the impact of the invention of plastic.
=) First I wanna say that from where the importance of plastic comes in daily life.
We know that in our daily life plastic plays an importance role . But in ancient era people used to borrow things in bag made up of "jute" . There was no plastic at that time they use that bag to carry every thing. But bag made up of jute is expensive and not too strong to carry .
And the idea of plastic comes from here .
Plastic is durable strong and cheap but it is non - biodegradable . so it can't be easily decompose. It take decades to decompose which leads to pollution like air pollution, soil erosion and if thrown in water it may also leads to water pollution.
Apart from pollution ,plastic plays a very important role in our day to day life . we can see that in our homes 70% of things are made up of plastic . like mobile phones , watches ,tv , washing machine etc.
plastic becomes a very necessary factor in our life just like food is necessary to live . But impact of plastic is more dangerous. If plastic is burnt in air it creates air pollution and lead to acid rain, which will harm water bodies and many living organisms.Plastic contains harmful chemicals, which gets released into the environment posing health risks and environmental risks at large. Chlorinated plastic releases harmful chemicals into the soil, making their way to water sources and affecting ecosystem negatively.
Non-disposable : Due to its non-disposable and non-biodegradable nature, plastic takes thousands of years to dispose of completely of soil.
overall we can say that plastic is bless not curse if we use it in proper way. If plastic is recycled it can be use for making new one . we should avoid throwing plastic here and there which will reduce pollution.And we should start recycling plastic .
We can't stop using plastic but atleast we can stop pollution by recycling .
if we use plastic in a proper way and recycled it instead of throwing here and there then plastic is really bless in our modern generation..
stop throwing plastic:
" only we humans make waste that nature can't digest .
i m gonaa tell you the impact of the invention of plastic.
=) First I wanna say that from where the importance of plastic comes in daily life.
We know that in our daily life plastic plays an importance role . But in ancient era people used to borrow things in bag made up of "jute" . There was no plastic at that time they use that bag to carry every thing. But bag made up of jute is expensive and not too strong to carry .
And the idea of plastic comes from here .
Plastic is durable strong and cheap but it is non - biodegradable . so it can't be easily decompose. It take decades to decompose which leads to pollution like air pollution, soil erosion and if thrown in water it may also leads to water pollution.
Apart from pollution ,plastic plays a very important role in our day to day life . we can see that in our homes 70% of things are made up of plastic . like mobile phones , watches ,tv , washing machine etc.
plastic becomes a very necessary factor in our life just like food is necessary to live . But impact of plastic is more dangerous. If plastic is burnt in air it creates air pollution and lead to acid rain, which will harm water bodies and many living organisms.Plastic contains harmful chemicals, which gets released into the environment posing health risks and environmental risks at large. Chlorinated plastic releases harmful chemicals into the soil, making their way to water sources and affecting ecosystem negatively.
Non-disposable : Due to its non-disposable and non-biodegradable nature, plastic takes thousands of years to dispose of completely of soil.
overall we can say that plastic is bless not curse if we use it in proper way. If plastic is recycled it can be use for making new one . we should avoid throwing plastic here and there which will reduce pollution.And we should start recycling plastic .
We can't stop using plastic but atleast we can stop pollution by recycling .
if we use plastic in a proper way and recycled it instead of throwing here and there then plastic is really bless in our modern generation..
stop throwing plastic:
" only we humans make waste that nature can't digest .
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