History, asked by hibjitbarman496, 11 months ago

What was the main issue that divided people southwest asia?


Answered by vimal2602p1xosl

Started in present day Turkey, a Muslim Empire that controlled much of the Middle East for six hundred years, 1299-1918. The Ottoman empire collapsed after defeat in World War I. The Ottoman Empire was a member of the Central Powers with Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Partitioning of the Middle East

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, European politicians drew up new borders for Mandates (territories that are between colonies and independent countries). The land was divided up between Great Britain and France. The borders did not take into consideration the different ethnic and religious groups in the region.


The Arab word/country for the territory that is present day Israel. Palestine was a British Mandate and divided between Jews and Palestinian Arabs. Great Britain left in 1947, which paved the way for the United Nations to create the new nation of Israel in 1948.


Modern state created in 1948 as a homeland for the Jews after World War II and the Holocaust.


The systematic killing of over 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany before and during World War II


Hatred against the Jews


People who are forced to leave their home due to war


Also known as Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire


The idea that the Jewish people of the world should move to Palestine (the land of Israel in Biblical times)

Arab-Israeli War

1948 war where the Arab neighboring countries attacked Israel the day after the new nation was created because they did not want the new Jewish nation to exist.

Persian Gulf War

Also known as Operation Desert Storm, after Iraq invaded Kuwait due to claims on land and oil, a US led military coalition, approved by the United Nations, forced Iraq to leave Kuwait.

Arab-Israeli conflict

This conflict continues today because both groups have an historic claim to the same land, Palestine / Israel

Saddam Hussein

President and brutal dictator of Iraq from 1979-2003. He started the Persian Gulf War by invading Kuwait. A US led military coalition removed him from power in 2003 because it was believed that he possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's).

Osama bin Laden

A radical terrorist and leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist group, which planned and executed the 9/11 attacks on the United States.


A country controlled by the Taliban from 1996-2001; the Taliban allowed al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to operate in the country. The US invaded the country in response to the 9/11 attacks.

Invasion of Iraq

A US led military coalition invaded this country because the United States believed Saddam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's).

George W Bush

President of the United States at the time of the 9/11 attacks, the Invasion of Afghanistan and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.


Country in the Middle East in the area that used is Mesopotamia. The country was partitioned after World War I and included three different ethnic groups and two different divisions of Islam. This country has been the source of much conflict and division over the last 40 years.

Great Britain

The European country that pulled out of Palestine in 1947 and turned control over to the United Nations. In 1948, the United Nations created the Jewish State of Israel.

United Nations

Created the State of Israel in on May 14, 1948


Major city in Israel that has caused tremendous conflict between Arab Palestinians and Jews.

monotheistic religions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam


What US was looking for in the 2003 invasion of Iraq?

September 11, 2001

World Trade Center attack


Largest ethnic group in Southwest Asia

After World War I

When the Ottoman Empire broke up


Oldest monotheistic religion

May 1948

Israel was created

Saddam Hussein

Former dictator of Iraq

Great Britain

European country that ruled Palestine after break up of Ottoman Empire


Important person to Jews, Christians, and Muslims

Kurds and Persians

Two other major ethnic groups in SW Asia - besides Arabs


Discrimination against Jewish people


The scattering of a group of people from their original homeland (like the Jews out of Israel)

looking for Osama bin laden

Why US invaded Afghanistan in 2001


US is mainly interested in the Middle East/SW Asia because of this resource

Sunni and Shia split

Muslims disagreed on who should lead them after the death of Muhammed & this happened as a result

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