what was the main occupation of the primitive man?
The following are the primitive occupations of man.
1. Hunting: Hunting is considered to be the oldest economic activity. It needs the least number of persons, but it requires a larger area in the comparison to any other human economic activity. It provides a minimum level of sustenance. Hunting requires very less capital and low – level technical knowledge. Sharp – tools, poisoned arrows, nooses, etc. are used for hunting. Hunting is completely banned in India.
2. Gathering: Food gathering too has been a primitive and economically inferior occupation. With the development of social and technological advancement, the importance of food gathering has been declining. Now, only a few people are engaged in it at world level. Man has been gathering various things for satisfying his basic requirements. Without harming the environment, people have been engaged in this activity to gather roots-tubers, fruits, nuts, berries leaves, etc. from the forests. These people neither cultivate land nor rear animals. There is no need of any kind of skill or much effort for gathering.
3. Fishing: This occupation also has been in practice since ancient time. Man has to struggle continuously against natural obstacles in this activity. Fish are caught from ponds, rivers, canals, lakes, and coastal seas. In this occupation, fish, naturally obtained are caught for earning livelihood. Fish are caught for food or to obtain oil or leather and also as a fodder for milch animals and to make fertilizers.
4. Herding: Herding is a primitive subsistence human activity. It is also known as nomadic pastoralism. When human groups engaged in hunting and gathering forest produce realised that these two occupations, were insufficient for their livelihood, they started animal herding as an additional occupation. People inhabiting various natural surroundings, selected animals found in those regions and they domesticated them. Food, leather, wool, etc. are obtained from domestic animals.
5. Agriculture: Agriculture has an important place in economic activities of the primary level. This is the most prevalent occupation. Agriculture enabled man to live a settled life. Agriculture which is the main source of food in the world, supplies 71 per cent of food needs. Agriculture is the main occupation in developing or under developing countries.
6. Lumbering: It is also a major primary occupation of man. It includes cutting wood from forests, making logs and sending them to saw-mills. Lumbering too has undergone important changes, like other primitive occupations. In past time, wood was cut only for fuel, but in the present time, it is used as a raw material in many industries. Paper and furniture industries are based on it.