Social Sciences, asked by rajpratapsingh21800, 9 months ago

what was the main reasonal behind national education​


Answered by ikramahmed2501


After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Causes of National Education Movement 2. Different phases of National Education Movement 3. Causes of Failure 4. Effects or Achievements.

Causes of National Education Movement:

National education movement is not the creation of a particular cause.

It is rather the cumulative result of a large number of factors which are sum­marised below:


1. There were inherent defects in the British system of education:

a) It was a privilege in the hands of a particular class of people. It was limited to the upper strata of the society. The masses or com­mon people were not benefited by the then system of education It was only meant for the so called “bhadraloks”.

b) It was not national in character. It was anti-Indian as well as anti­democratic.

c) The existing system of education failed to fulfill he needs and aspi­rations of the nation as a whole.

d) Educational administration was entirely in the hands of the European bureaucrats who virtually determined policies and implemented them.

e) Content of education was also far from satisfactory. It was purely theoretical, narrow, bookish and unpractical. It only catered for “white-collar” jobs in the Government service.

f) The system of education introduced by the foreign ruler had no con­nection with Indian tradition and culture.

g) The medium of education was also English and as such mother- tongue was utterly neglected.  

2. Towards the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of this century the character of the Indian National Congress was changed. It was marked by the rise of the extremist politics. The moderates lost their hold in the Congress organization as well as in the public mind. Con­gress was no longer a “congress of petition and prayer”.

The Indian na­tionalist opinion became very strong at this time. National conscious­ness was at its peak. It was not at all in a mood to tolerate any imperialist design in the arena of education.

3. The immediate cause of the National Education Movement was the anti-national educational policy followed by Lord Curzon. Curzon was an imperialist to the core. He failed to enlist cooperation and sympa­thy of the Indian people in carrying out his educational reforms. Indian nationalist opinion scented some imperialist design behind his educa­tional reforms. It came to a headlong collision with the Curzonian bu­reaucracy.

Curzon laid great stress on qualitative improvement of edu­cation, particularly higher education. On the other hand, Indian nationalist opinion wanted quantitative expansion of education. The Swadeshi movement or the Bengal Partition Movement paved the way for national education movement.

hope its helpful

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