what was the outcome of gandhiji satyagraha at ahmedabad
Place - Ahmedabad, Gujrat
Time – Jan, Feb & march 1918
Problem –
The Ahmedabad’s mill workers were in great problem due to plague and inflation. They want an increase in their wages but the mill owner was ignoring them.
Mechanism –
Gandhi Inquired the Demand the Demands of Mill Worker and found them Justiciable. So he advised worker to go on strike and demand 35% increase in wages. On feeling weakness and lack of moral in workers, he himself went on a “Fast unto death” to strengthen the worker moral.
Conclusion –
Settlement reached after 21 days of strike and on Just 3rd of Gandhi fast, mill owner agreed to form a tribunal to look into the case and later to 35% increase in salary of workers.
People Associated –
Ambalal sarabhai’s Sister Anasya behn(main lieutenant of Gandhi)
when the workers undertaking a hunger strike then mill owners agreed on the fourth day to give 35% increase in wages ............... ✌