Science, asked by jarizvi786, 3 months ago

What was the political condition of India before babur's invasion??​


Answered by pranavarak88

  1. there were small independent kingdoms in india.
  2. weak political condition due to disintegration of tughlaq empire
Answered by priyadarsini33

There was no India at that point of time - onlyfragmented kingdoms with no concept of aNation or unity based on Religion. To someextend, the condition has not changed eventoday as the concept of Nationalism has neverbeen in our culture. Only kings were there and thecommon man accepted any one victorious asking and becomes the ruler and whatever respectwas shown to the previous king was extended tothe new king also. Only Kshatriyas weresupposed to be in matters of Ruling the area andother caste people showed interest only in theirown caste profession. Caste system once upon atime worked well as for the Area it was likedivision of Labor. To day that is why we haveuncrowned political kings throughout. So it wasvery easy for a foreign Invader to annex one byone all the kingdoms and start ruling the entireArea. Waves after waves of Muslim Invasionstook place, destroying temples and forcibly atsword point converting people, which was oflittle concern for kings and people in the nearbyareas and they never had the wisdom of knowing that next was these peoples area. Hindus do notbelieve in Pan Hinduism and there were differentperception of Hinduism among different Regions.There are Hindus in Tamil Nadu and at UP metc.without much similarity with regard to Gods andways of worship. Unlike Islam Hinduism does nothave a codified procedure and hence no unity butonly difference which in turn promotes feeling ofsuperiority over other Hindus.This phenomenon exists even today. Ourdemocracy (or demnocracy] creates motivationonly to capture power and become ruling party atwhatever cost like championing Minorityinterests to get their votes in the back groundthat Hindus can never become vote bank likeMinority votes. The situation in India is such thatit does not provide a platform for Nationalismand therefore India is very weak compared toPakistan who have unity at least based onReligion and self conceived threat from a NonMuslim Group.

hope it will help you !

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